Saturday, October 07, 2006


1. Test different web site color themes to see whichcombination will sell your product better. You canalso test the size and style of your web site text.

2. Promise your readers an end result or outcomein your ad. You must give them a solid g.uaranteethat your product will solve their problem.

3. N.ever assume people believe the information inyour ad copy. You need to back-up all your claimswith indisputable evidence.

4. Give your customers f.ree shipping. If you can'tafford that, you can give f.ree shipping to customersthat over a certain dollar amount to raise p.rofits.

5. Test your web site regularly for ordering glitches,bad links, broken graphics, etc. Those types oferrors will make your business look unprofessional.

6. Use f.ree advertising as much as possible. Test awide variety of f.ree advertising options like bannerand link exchanges, classifieds, newsgroups, etc.

7. Build credibility for your business by publishingan e-zine and writing articles. Your customers andprospects will see you as an expert and trust you.

8. Answer all your e-mail messages as quickly aspossible. Nothing will loose a sale quicker than notresponding to a prospect in time.

9. Build a professional looking web site even if youhave a small budget. You could use f.ree graphics,designs, servers, and other tools offered online.

10. Enter to win awards for your web site. Whenyou display the award graphics on your web siteit will i.ncrease your credibility and professionalism.

Quote of the Day:

"We must accept finite disappointment, but we must n.ever lose infinite hope."

Martin Luther King, Jr.
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